Monday, August 3, 2009

Why am i growing horns on my head?

am I turning into some kinda of alien monkey made out of rice?

Why am i growing horns on my head?
OMG, I saw this little monkey with horns in my backyard last year and NO ONE believed me.

Aliens huh?..........phuckt.

So are JUST the horns rice because I lOVE rice, I would be happy to help ya out and eat your horns off for ya...???:) Not your head though....even if it was rice, that would just be creepy?

OH, and if you actually DO turn into an alien monkey made out of rice, could you email me a pic, cause I would love to have some proof that those little tree butters really do exist!
Reply:It means someone hit your head while you are asleep
Reply:dude wtf? alien monkey made out of rice?
Reply:uuhhh did you join the mormon church?
Reply:Possibly you have some Reptilian blood. Go to an orgy, or drink someone's (terrorized) blood, and you'll be able to hide it.

But you could also be high on something.
Reply:your not possessed, your probably just lying,or you have mutated hormones, or you have been cursed. thats a powerful curse, and i would rather not say what happens next. stay cool dude, its gonna be a wild ride.
Reply:Like, do you mean horns as in goat horns? Or horns as in bumps on your head...? You know, if they look just like bumps on your head, I don't know but did you get drunk recently? Coz you could've hit your head twice on something... Or maybe it's just coz you're on drugs. Then I suggest medical help.
Reply:Hey I got them too. We must be multiplying.
Reply:I've got three answers. One is that you are some kind of monster alien thing. Two is that you have some pretty big pimples. Or three you are a complete moron. Pick one.
Reply:It's probably a zit and dude grow up. Horns on my head? How old are you? I hate when little kids get on here and act immature like this.
Reply:It's completely normal. But if you plan on standing very still in a corner at parties, be sure people are aware you aren't a very elaborate coat rack.
Reply:Stop it! you're turning me on!
Reply:it's probably an STD you should seek medical

Reply:They are zits.

try some clearasil
Reply:Maybe your to naughty at night..... YUCK ! ! ! ! Shame on you. Thanks for sharing

skin tone

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