Monday, April 20, 2009

I went to PBR and saw a bull with horns that flopped when he moved. I live on a farm, but can't get this one.

The horns grew downward

They were securely attached to his head

They didn%26#039;t seem to affect him

What%26#039;s up?

I went to PBR and saw a bull with horns that flopped when he moved. I live on a farm, but can%26#039;t get this one.
There are certain breeds of cattle that have loose horns, not attached to the skull. I saw a lot of these in Africa, they were fairly common. You see a lot of exotic mixed breeds in the great bucking bulls in the PBR. I don%26#039;t know the genetics of this loose horn characteristic, but you do see it pop up occasionally in these mixed breed cattle. If you watch the PBR keep an eye out and you will see these loose horns every now and then. Nothing is wrong with the bulls, it is just genetics.
Reply:his horns grew that way
Reply:sounds like he needs more calcium in his diet...haha

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