Monday, April 20, 2009

Why do giraffes have horns on their heads?

Maybe to keep their head on their long neck stable.

Why do giraffes have horns on their heads?
Don%26#039;t know, why do giraffes have horns on their heads?
Reply:Just in case they need to scratch their balls.
Reply:so they look a little taller
Reply:bcuz they r born like that
Reply:They%26#039;re vestigial left-overs from the Giraffe%26#039;s evolutionary past. In other words, their ancestors had horns that were probably used as all other horns are used, i.e. for fighting.

Giraffes don%26#039;t use their horns for fighting (they hit each other with their necks!) and both sexes have them.
Reply:The only thing i%26#039;ve ever seen on a Giraffes%26#039;s head is ears. Are you on mind bending drugs?
Reply:So they can warn others of the Lion that%26#039;s approaching.
Reply:self protection
Reply:Many animal have horns on their heads.I dont know why?

But some machines have horns, these machines are use for transportation known as Car, Truck, Bus and Motor Cycle
Reply:so they can smash your car window......(it happened at a safari park,grrrrr )
Reply:because they-ed look daft any were else.
Reply:So they can forage through trees and breaks bits off or get to the centre of a tree by breaking bits if there isnt anything on the outside.

skin tone

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