Friday, July 31, 2009

Do you have two little clones of you sitting on your shoulders? One with horns, the other with a halo?

The little red Dalek with horns is saying, "EXTERMINATE! ANNIHILATE! DESTROY ALL HUMANS!"


What're your little shoulder buddies saying?

Do you have two little clones of you sitting on your shoulders? One with horns, the other with a halo?
I used to have those cool little shoulder buddies, but my pet chupacabra, Roy, ate them the other day. Then he ate like, twelve underlings.
Reply:I was just told I ate lead paint when I was young!

I have small creature that come out at night from the corner of my eyes and they have fights to see what will happen the next day!

I cant control them they are to strong but the elves have power over them so they stay near me inside my head.Sometime in the not to dark future I shall free myself with the powers of the mighty turnip!

By the way pain is only in your head it is fodder for fear and the crystals control fear!
Reply:oh yes, the pic with horns in a sexy red leather tight skirt is saying ' eat all the chocolate.... you know you want it'

pig with the white see through dress is saying ' no honey don't eat... you know you already can't get into your pants'

I'm torn between the two

P.S. Skin head charlie...... by calling someone with the N word and saying that they have AIDS.... are you trying to offend him or her. well guess what the only thing that's happening is that we are hating you more and more.

there's nothing wrong with being born with a different skin color. majority of the world accepts that. it;s time you get it into you small head,

plus AIDS is no longer associated with humiliation. its a disease and people are trying to find a cure for it...... majority of the world has accept that too.

maybe its time you assign your self to a class conducted by UN or other humanitarian agency to educate your self regarding these matters.

because we here in P%26amp;S have had enough with your unintelligant comments. please don't make this place unpleasent.

take it easy.
Reply:The little thorny red flower is saying "Bet it all on black" and the little lily white flower is saying "You really should do the dishes".

Hmmmmmph. Sounds like they're BOTH out to get to me.
Reply:L) Get back to work, dopey so you can go to the gym

R) Just answer one more question...... you know you want to...
Reply:After Roy ate the king's buddies he devoured mine too
Reply:You need to clean out your earwax with a Q Tip.
Reply:My boyfriend has a tattoo that is a representation of me and she's half angel/half devil. She's all angel up top,a pretty girl looking back over her shoulder(and beautiful angel wings)at you. Then you see she has thigh-high boots and a devil tail poking out from underneath those wings! She IS me! You can always see the Angel,but you only see the Devil if I let you! LOL!
Reply:the halo one is saying "dalek is a meanie"

the one with the horns is saying "dalek is super cool"
Reply:Both of my shoulder buddies are telling me what a murder freak you are.
Reply:Red one's saying ," steal from the rich , give to the poor !"

White one's saying," steal from the rich , give to the poor ! Remember to thank them before you leave !"


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