Saturday, July 25, 2009

I have seen a film called 'It happened One Night'.In it,characters blew horns to break the imaginary wall.Why?

What is the origin? I knew it is a legendary story from Bible.Please tell me more!Thanks a lot!

I have seen a film called 'It happened One Night'.In it,characters blew horns to break the imaginary wall.Why?
Clark Gable blew down the wall in the night at the cabin to have sex.
Reply:Joshua at the battle of Jericho used trumpets to break down the walls of the city in order to defeat the enemy on directions from GOD
Reply:In the Bible, Joshua brought down the walls of Jericho by blowing horns.
Reply:SOUND is a spiritul power. The SPOKEN word. Our

Creator spoke, and things came into existence!
Reply:Wall of Jericho. When Gabriel's horn was blown it was as if the city of Jericho crumbled into dust and the wall came down allowing the army to enter and seige the town.

It is a religious reference, not necessarily of warfare but of the benefits of belief or a tenet in faith. Anything can happen if you believe hard enough, even break IMAGINARY walls that keeps your army of sentience out of the city of the mind.
Reply:The walls of Jericho came tumbling down


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