Saturday, July 25, 2009

How did the word start about Vikings wearing horned helmets?


I did some research and found out that people around Greece wrote of the Vikings as barbaric people with helmets with horns. We all know that horns just provide a handle while slitting a man's throat. It's been proven their helmets didn't have horns on them.

My question: Why did they spread this false word? How did it all begin?

How did the word start about Vikings wearing horned helmets?
A helmet was found in a peat bog which had horns on it, it was a ceremonial helmet, this is what the archaeologists believe..

Then enter Hollywood, with its licence to totally bastardise anything in the name of money and a blockbusting good film, that's where the idea of Vikings wearing horned helmets originated..

Blessings.. )O(
Reply:maybe a demonic reference
Reply:Actually, it's not entirely untrue.

It's proven that there in Denmark - at least - have been helmets with horns. A gravestone has been found with the image of a man sacrificing a horse, himself wearing a helmet with horns.

In Denmark there had been a local tradition of wearing helmets to around 1600-something.

It couldn't have been very useful in fights nor can it have been a part of any religious act. But it's possible that the bearer of a helmet with horns felt more connected with Thor (God in Nordic Mythology) whose helmet had goat- or ram horns. Or possibly Tyr (Another God) if it had been ox horns.

Loose Teeth

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